Steve Slykhuis
Sales Representative, National Write Your Congressman
Steve Slykhuis is a sales representative with National Write Your Congressman, an organization dedicated to providing citizens with non-partisan, unbiased information that makes it easy for them to communicate with their lawmakers to help preserve our freedoms. If that fails, he is grooming a son for eventual world domination. Steve and his wife Cindy have been married eight years and have two sons, Winston (5 and future Potentate) and Oliver (2 months). Steve is a member and serves on the Council at First Lutheran Church. He chairs the Historical Portfolio for John C. Fremont Days and is a member of Rotary. In his spare time, he enjoys singing baritone every Monday night with 80 of his best friends in the Pathfinder Chorus and recently formed a new quartet, Useless Fax, which will surely propel him to stardom should he somehow fall short in being crowned Mr. Habitat. To help gain the crown he pledges that as the amount of money he raises grows so will the amount of clothing he wears in the beachwear competition. Help make the dream of a full snow suit happen.