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What are Habitat homes like? The Home Fremont Area Habitat for Humanity will build either a single family home or a townhome which is two single family homes sharing a common wall which will house two families. All Fremont Area Habitat for Humanity homes, whether a single family home or a townhome, are similar floor plans and consist of the following: approximately 1056 square feet of living space including kitchen, two to three bedrooms on main floor, bathroom, living room, central Air. Additional options that MAY be available for an extra cost include extra bedrooms and bathroom in the basement. Some homes are smaller and some do not have basements.
How is a Family Partner chosen? The Family Selection Committee chooses applicants to become homeowners based on (1) their level of need; (2) their willingness to become partners in the program; &, (3) their ability to repay the loan.
What is Sweat Equity? Sweat equity refers to the hands-on involvement of the prospective homeowner families in the construction of their own homes and homes of others, as well as participation in other Habitat and community activities. All sweat equity hours must be completed prior to moving into the home. A Partner Family having one adult as the head of the household must earn a total of 250 sweat equity hours. A Partner Family having two adults in the household must complete a total of 350 sweat equity hours. Required classes and optional classes will be conducted or arranged by Habitat throughout the year, allowing Family Partners to learn and also earn sweat equity. Sweat equity will be awarded for the time of the classes.
Equal Housing Lender