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About Us

Board & Staff

Our Board and staff have a strong commitment to the Habitat mission.

Our board represents a cross-section of our community and has a passion for our organization and those we serve. The members work hard to ensure long-term sustainability of the organization and oversee that the funds raised directly affect those in need.

Our Board of Directors 

President- Ashley Fowler, Realtor, NP Dodge

Vice President- Hayley Fischer, First National Bank

Treasurer- Taylor Jeppesen, Pinnacle Bank

Secretary- Kelly Skinner, Structural Components

Nikki Beatty, RVR Bank

Beth Brewer, Retired

Dan Gaskin, GGR & Exteriors

Esmeralda Hernandez, RVR Bank

Cody Horrocks, First Community Bank

Guillermo Palma, Border States Electric

Elizabeth Salguero, La Hacienda & Con Amor

Amanda Swatzell, Bearded Men Moving

Courtney Thomsen, Midland University

Our Staff

Joy McKay, Executive Director

Shaun Smith, Communications & Operations Manager

Victoria Kolala, Program Manager

Matt Parmenter, Construction Site Supervisor

Todd Peterson, Repair Manager

Jamie Vollmer, Bookkeeper

Dusty Ramirez, HomeStore Manager

Gabby Nava-Trujillo, HomeStore Cashier

Stacy Manzer, HomeStore Cashier

Eric Peterson, HomeStore Driver

  • 226 E. 2nd Street
    Fremont, NE 68025


    Monday-Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

  • Habitat HomeStore
    Habitat HomeStore

    701 E. Dodge Street, Fremont, Nebraska

    402-721-8771 ext. 4

    Fridays 8am - 4pm
    Saturdays 8am - 2pm.

    Donations are accepted:
    Fridays from 8am - 2pm
    Saturdays from 8am - Noon.